The game master's inspirational session planning toolkit
PartyRoomBloom scaffolds your exploration scenes to help you plan engaging game nights better than ever.
Exploration planning made easy
Always have a plan for player exploration. PartyRoomBloom's Outline Builder uses a tried-and-tested exploration framework, sure to draw your players' attention where it needs to be without railroading them! Say goodbye to feeling lost planning and running the exploration scenes of your sessions.
Easily reference your outlines
The Overview Page provides an extremely convenient single-page interface for viewing an entire session's worth of scenes, allowing you to run a series of explorations from a single tab or window. No more scrolling up and down your session document!
Simulate and extend your ideas
PartyRoomBloom's Simulate Assistant walks you through your scenes, making sure you've left no stone unturned. Occasionally, it might even spark your imagination and send you back to the drawing board to add more ideas to your scene outlines!
Print and backup your work
Should you want to take your plans offline, print them as PDFs, and back them up on your own machine as JSON files, ready to add back to a new outline. (This feature is great when characters return to a place after it's changed!)