Step 1/19

Welcome to PartyRoomBloom!

This is the Outline Builder, where we draft scenes for our players to explore with their characters.

Feel free to look around; drag the carousel or click or tap the chevrons icons at the bottom to move between pages. And don't worry about messing anything up! Every time you go forward or back a step, the tutorial will update the scene with the right info for that step. The UI is only enabled here so you can mess around, and won't affect the progression of the tutorial.

When you're ready, come back to this page and click or tap the arrow icon above to continue with the tutorial. We'll start with the "Title."

Glad you're looking around! Get back to the to continue the tutorial.

Glad you're looking around! Get back to the to continue the tutorial.

No landmarks found

Interactables need landmarks.

Glad you're looking around! Get back to the to continue the tutorial.

No interactables found

Secrets need interactables.

Glad you're looking around! Get back to the to continue the tutorial.

Untitled Scene
Description: A short description to set the scene.Goal: What this scene does or where it leads.Comments: Extra information to help the Simulator or Future You.